Feasibility Studies
Feasibility Studies Services
- Technical feasibility studies.
- Studies from FEL 1 to FEL 3.
- Financial and cost-benefit studies.
- Conceptual designs.
- Financial re-evaluations of structures and assets.
Study Methods Include:
- Statistical analysis of historical data.
- Development of Monte Carlo simulation models, incorporating the full operational sequence of events involved in the operation.
- Original desktop and field studies and design.
Featured Projects
- DCT Berth 203 to 205 Reconstruction, Deepening & Lengthening Project, Port of Durban, South Africa.
- Port of Saldanha LPG Import & Storage Terminal Project, South Africa – Feasibility study for terminal including SPM/CBM options.
- Offshore Oil & Gas Hub and Fabrication Yard, Port of Saldanha, South Africa – Feasibility, bankable business study, design and construction supervision for the fabrication yard and rehabilitation of the Mossgas quay.
- Moatize Coal Marine Export Facility, Port of Beira, Mozambique – Feasibility, Transshipment and Dredging Studies.
- Marine Import/Export Facility for Phosphate, Namibia – Feasibility study including intake, outfall and marine pipelines.
- Phase 2 Salisbury Island Infill Project, Pier 1, Port of Durban, South Africa.
- Pointe Noire, Republic of Congo – Feasibility study for Iron Ore Export Facility.
- Nacala Corridor Project, Port of Nacala, Mozambique – Marine aspects including wave, climate, current, morphological ship motions and mooring and berth occupancy simulation studies.