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Port of Nacala and Port of Beira
ZAA has been involved in various studies for Rio Doce (CVRD), now Vale.
Nacala: 2005-2006
In 2005 ZAA completed a study of marine aspects for the establishment of a coal export facility at Nacala. Studies completed by ZAA include wave climate studies, analysis of wind conditions (including tropical cyclone risks), morphological analysis, analysis of ship motions, berthing and mooring using dynamic simulation computer software, berth occupancy and simulation studies, and provided lead consultant Murray & Roberts with general consulting and assistance. Subsequent work included metocoean data processing, calibration and checking of numerical models, environmental design premise data preparation, ship motions, berthing and mooring design forces for design premise, berthing and mooring dolphins fatigue design premise, data preparation and further general consulting.
Beira: 2006-2007
In 2006 ZAA completed a study of marine aspects for the transhipment of coal at the Port of Beira. This work included preliminary port static simulation models, Monte Carlo simulation of transhipment operation, high-level evaluation of transhipment contractor reports, aspects of technical evaluation of transhipment enquiry responses, evaluation of marine environmental design criteria and high-level morphological study. The study further included an evaluation of motion responses for vessel to sea states at the Beira transhipment location and estimates of required water depths for bulk carriers, barges and tugs, as well as estimation of natural periods, roll and pitch compared with wave periods to estimate weather downtime. Motion response analysis of bulk carriers to determine required water depth according to PIANC guidelines was also completed. An evaluation of dredging requirements was completed as well as an estimate of downtime due to channel and transhipment area closure as a result of siltation following storms. Work also included the preparation of environmental and marine design data for the performance specification for transhipment enquiries. With respect to on-site studies, ZAA provided input to the scope of work for bathymetric survey of port; access channel and transhipment areas. It also prepared the scope of work for the data collection tenderer and confirmed equipment and measurement locations.
ZAA also completed a technical evaluation of marine aspects of five transhipment tenders. Monte Carlo simulations were used as part of the evaluation. The evaluation also involved preliminary establishment of dredging requirements associated with each tender and the preparation of preliminary operational rules for each transhipment proposal, taking into consideration vessels and equipment associated with each proposal.
In late 2006, ZAA undertook a dredging study for the Port of Beira which included the following:
Beira: 2007
In 2007 ZAA produced summary reports of dredger capital and operational costs, and a proposal for implementation. Dredging specifications and schedule of quantities for use in enquiry documents were produced. Enquiry responses were evaluated and addenda for Offshore Geotechnical Investigations enquiry documents were produced. ZAA assisted with the preparation of specifications for Beira Port EPC enquiry, and acted as the engineer for the 13-week offshore geotechnical investigation. |